Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The joy

The cold chill of the breeze blowing from the sea,
Black as the night, the times without thee,
Of all the moments by the beach,
Amidst laughs and tears, made promises to keep.

The drowning of light, mirrored by white,
The shower of love on the rock by the sea,
The eventuality of certainty and time,
And the depth of life, shown by thee.

The chaos of those who enveloped us,
The bicker, the choice, the undergoing trial,
Drove a wedge, uprooted the tree,
Tears of gloom blurred the moments of glee,
As it sunk, sank along did I,
I miss you, the joy of my eye. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


The words that echo before audiorgasm of Clare Torry  envelopes lives of those who've had everything they could possibly fathom from life.

"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I
Don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?"

One of the best rock music albums of all times by arguably one of the best musical band ever to have existed. Theirs was a story of the ebbs and flows that one expects in friendships panning the entire lifetime. Shine On was one such example.

As they grew, they knew and they played,
In the soil, with the colors and the wise of age,
And then one day, they ploughed and lay,
Feed water and sun, protect by the night and by the day,
Until it escaped, their minds and her clay.

They grew, now apart, wedged by time,
While their toil, towards.
In the midst of catching up,
Of each with the sun,

The flower of the sun, now grown,
The lives of the boys, mellow,
The sun, the flower, the bond, the unknown,

And that's why he'd go on, "I never said I was frightened of dying."

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Happiness. We pursuit.

From the first step to the first word,
From the first bite to the last fight,
From the first light to the first sight,
From the first time to the last dime,
We think no tall and expend it all.

In the eyes of the mother, to the sight of the teacher,
In the heart of the wife, to the kin for life,
In the eyes of the dreamer, and the beat of the lover,
In the passion of the teen, for the friends which seem.

We ignore the truth,
And happiness, we pursuit.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Something from the past. #Philok

·        Always smile. It keeps you strong.
·        He who wrote, forgot to stop. He who stopped, never wrote.
·        Either you are or you never were.
·        If you can, somebody can. If nobody cannot, you may still can.
·        You take some, you hit one. That is how fighters fight.
·        When the going gets tougher, it’s time to go for the kill.
·        Facts don't change, Judgments do
·        To get what you deserve, be what you desire. 
·        When things don't go your way, don't blink just yet.
·        When life throws melons, duck.
·        When history repeats itself, you are at the wrong place at the wrong time.
·        When life throws lemons at you, make lemonade and enjoy the show!
·        Time is the Nature's Doc. It cures EVERYTHING.
·        "Wounds of time, take time to heal. So much of it, that no medicine can make you run faster and beat the invincible."
·        When you fight, your instinct takes over your mind. The mantra for a victory is to let the mind take over your instinct€
·        it’s not tough to be a winner, it’s the desire backed with conviction to win which is.
·        Nobody decides if they want to race or not. The only decision you have to make is to win or not to.
·        Dream to make them come true. Desire to be able to dream.
·        Hope is for hopeless people.
·        Giving a 100% is all it takes to get the desired outcome.  
·        Anything in excess, is one step closer to perfection.  
·        Weakness is what every adversary looks for. Hide it or lose it.
·        Never be afraid of challenges and never be tensed about the outcomes. Just keep working diligently and the smile will be yours.
·        Time gives us money. Money takes away time.
·        If you ogle on palaces, you'll never bend to tie your shoe laces.
·        There's humor everywhere. Apparently, we are blind to it.
·        Adding more hay to the stalk won’t help you find the needle.
·        Not everyone can swim. Even swimmers drown.
·        Never make a promise you can't keep, even to just please someone.
·        To earn what you deserve, be what you desire.
·        To get what you want, be what you desire.  
·        There's wisdom that cannot be passed for it makes no sense but it works all the time.
·        If you can't win against yourself, you can't win against anyone.
·        Nothing can be simpler than fighting the challenges life throws at you and coming out on top.
·        Isn’t it all about going after what YOU dream of than of what OTHERS tempt you with?
·        When things go out of control, you should too.
·        Trust is more powerful than love can ever be.
·        Be right back, or be left back.
·        Eventually isn't it all about resisting the temptations?
·        The battle is not over until you are dead.
·        Everyone falls down. The one who gets up one more time than he has fallen, wins.
·        Never aim for second best. Either come first or third. Being second is being first amongst losers.
·        Once a fool, never a laugh.
·        Always settle for the better. It will want you go graduate to the best. Vice-versa doesn't apply.
·        Life’s biggest sin would be to break a girl’s heart. Second biggest would be to disrespect a woman.
·        If it were not for the broken relations of yesterday, you wouldn't be what you are today.
·        Navigate in darkness and you'll never ask for directions.
·        All that there is, is there. All that there is not, is there as well.
·        The biggest pleasure of life lies in saying "hey, I made it!!"... So go out there and do it.
·        In life, speeding is not the right way to enjoy the scenery :-)
·        If I could, I would have already. Since I can, I will do it no matter what.
·        Always do something that surprises you.
·        If you could control your mind, you could really throw people out of your heart.
·        Smile is the best ornament nature has bestowed use with. Use it, flaunt it. Just don't lose it.
·        it’s not how you do it, it’s all about how you enjoy doing it.
·        Every single second teaches us a lot of things. The sooner we learn, the more knowledge we can gain. So why waste knowledge?
·        Some decisions, no matter how hard, have to be taken to harden yourself. #perkytweets
·        Dearth of resources should not limit your will to race.
·        There are a lot of things that I could regret upon only if I could remember them...
·        How can you expect to be forgiven if you don't have the guts to say sorry?
·        The three simple steps to success - read, read and read.
·        Everything but your goal, is a deterrent to get to your goal.
·        You cannot climb unless you’re unafraid of the fall.
·        The simplest form of life is to love.
·        You don't have a life unless you have a dream. You don't have a dream unless you've lived.
·        If you cannot appreciate what you have, you cannot respect what you get.
·        Music is probably the only constant in this ever changing life.
·        If you cannot defend what you stand for, you cannot stand to defend anything.
·        Study to Learn. Knowledge is more powerful than Education.
·        Success is a feeling of pure satisfaction without any materialistic pleasures.
·        Hard-work leads to satisfaction.
·        Night also teaches us to appreciate the beauty of sunrise.
·        What’s the fun of drinking from a glass that is too big for the peg?
·        giving up is akin to committing suicide.
·        When you have 2 change urn decision, remember d reason that made u change it. Remember it 4ever & you'll never let down in life.
·        The art of deceiving lies in the skills of deception.
·        Nobody is powerful unless we let them be. Nobody is weak unless we let ourselves be.
·        Nobody is a winner until we let them be. Nobody is a loser unless we let ourselves be.
·        Everything happens for a reason, and does not happen for a larger reason.
·        Learning to say NO is equivalent to saying YES to new things in life.
·        Night is the only time of the day when I can see everything clearly.
·        You just don't run away from a fight. Either you live or you die.
·        Every fucking individual on this planet wants to have a piece of the pie, but nobody wants to bake it.
·        Isn’t everything really very simple? All you have to do is the right thing at the right time.
·        Everything has its own charm. You decide which ones attract you.
·        In life, everyone is expendable. #SadButTrue
·        Night is the only time of the *day* when I can see everything clearly.
·        If you can't pick up what's obvious, you will never learn anything in life.
·        Always listen to your intuition. It’s the only thing that will never let you down in life.
·        Humans can go beyond the boundaries of nature and yet remain caged within them!
·        Nothing beats nothing. Something beats something. Anything can beat anything. But everything cannot beat everything. Be content
·        Whilst being punched by life, just hold back and bide your time. Then knock the life out of life.
·        Overdose kills, but in the end we all die. What’s the fun of drinking when the glass is too big for the peg?
·        When you replace booze from your priority list, you're actually doing something worthwhile.
·        In life, speeding is not the right way to enjoy the scenery :-)
·        Everything happens for a reason and does not happen for a larger reason.
·        A few things in life, like death, happen only once.
·        it is!
·        No one knows what face the cube is resting on unless another face takes its place.
·        Life is a simple equation with known unknowns.
·        Life’s a bitch. Fuck her, before she ditches you.
·        THAT in no way means I'm giving up. No. Not now. Not ever.
·        Love is nothing...trust, belief and understanding forms the core of all relationships!! 
·        I better get going before I get going...
·        Love your bed as you love your woman...
·        Not being able to talk doesn't mean that I don't miss you. It’s just another way of asking why you aren’t here.